CSW: 2011-12-19

Christmas is upon us! This week will be our last in Advent, leading us to Christmas Sunday. Christ has come...Christ is coming again!

Our main passage this week is Isaiah 52:7-10. 

The message is always fresh, but remains the same: God came into the world through the little Christ-child. The scene is always poignant, yet remains simple, humble, and approachable: a mother, a father, a baby, and some visitors. God has come not with human fanfare, but as God would choose: through creation, with the heavens singing praises, but leaving no room for human grandeur as we would know it.

May the picture move us to mimic the scene of the Nativity: not simply on our mantle, side table, or wherever you arrange the figurines so carefully, but in our hearts, to our families, and through our lives to the world:
God has come for you, just as you are.

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those who announce peace.
...who bring good news.
...who announce salvation.

May the Lord bless you as you seek his Word this week!

 Monday, December 19 - Isaiah 52:7-10
 Tuesday, December 20 - Psalm 98
 Wednesday, December 21 - Luke 2:1-7
 Thursday, December 22 - Hebrews 1:1-12
 Friday, December 23 - John 1:1-14
 Saturday, December 24 - Luke 2:1-20
 Christmas Sunday, December 25 - Come to worship with your church family!