CSW: 2011-09-12

We continue this week in Jesus’ discussion of the Law. The main feature of this section (Matthew 5:17-48) are the “antitheses,” which means that Jesus uses this pattern to talk about the Law: “You have heard this: ______. But I now tell you this: ________.” (Read this week’s passage, and you’ll get it. :-)

Jesus’ words get more revolutionary as we go along as this week’s main passage is Matthew 5:17-20, 38-42, dealing with payback, retaliation, and revenge. You’ll see the antithesis in verses 38-39. This all has to do with what to do after one has been hurt. What should our response be when we are unjustly minimalized, taken advantage of, and hurt financially or even physically?

As you read these passages, pray that today will be a day of patterning your life after that of Jesus Christ, responding in his new way: of love, forgiveness, mercy, and reconciliation. Remember to reflect upon each of the passages in light of what Jesus says in our main passage for the week.

Monday, September 5 - Read the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7)
Tuesday, September 6 - Matthew 5:17-20 & 38-42, Psalm 86
Wednesday, September 7 - Exodus 21:12-36, Matthew 5:17-20 & 38-42
Thursday, September 8 - Matthew 5:17-20 & 38-42, John 20:19-23
Friday, September 9 - Matthew 5:17-20 & 38-42, John 8:2-11
Saturday, September 10 - Matthew 5:17-20 & 38-42,  Luke 23:39-43
Sunday, September 11 - Come to worship with your church family!