
A disciple is literally a follower of someone. Christian discipleship implies that one is following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. Discipleship can take on many shapes and forms. For sure, discipleship does not imply that a follower of Christ is alone—we are all following Christ together. So we read together, talk together, wrestle with issues together, and help each other along, even if we disagree sometimes.

As a part of the North Street community, we have various opportunities to help each other in following Jesus Christ. One of the main backbones of our time together comes in what we call our “community scripture way,” a daily scripture reading plan that leads into discussion and worship together. One of the regular gathering times to talk and discuss scripture with one another is at 9:30 AM on Sunday mornings. Also, on Wednesday evenings, we gather for our weekly corporate scripture study at 7:00 PM, a time for group questions, insight, and discussion. These evenings follow our community scripture way.